Education Testimonials

Education Testimonials
Wellbeing and positive mental health is high on the agenda of every individual at Killisick Junior School. The school enjoys a respectful, committed, hardworking and mutually supportive staff team where the children are at the centre. TAP will provide an invaluable forum for all members of the school community to be able to show their support, thanks and respect to the team who go the extra mile every single day for every child at the best school in the universe!
We want to show our appreciation for our fantastic staff team. Having an easy-to-use online platform to enable those little “thank yous” can give staff a huge boost and is so important for feeling valued and appreciated
The mental health and wellbeing of our staff and children is one of the 3 key pillars of the culture of Holy Family School. Our staff are our most important resource; we welcome the opportunity to provide the platform for them to receive positive feedback and praise
We would like to use TAP to promote positivity within our school community to show positive feedback in an aesthetically pleasing way. We believe that TAP will allow our staff and our school community to have a reel of positivity that is happening in the school at that time. It will also promote positive mental health and a sense of accomplishment
We are so proud of the staff body at Outwood Academy Adwick and the work ethic of our colleagues blows us all away. Thank you so much for the late nights, the early mornings and all the hours in between. It means so much to us that we can always depend on you all. You do not stop until the job gets done correctly and completely. Our academy thrives and is successful because of you and our school community. From the bottoms of our hearts - thank you! Let's use this platform to continually share our thanks and praise
At Rolleston we embed a strong sense of wellbeing and character education in our pupils. Now, more than ever there is a vital need to be aware of how we look after the mental health of our children and also our staff. TAP will be a fundamental part of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the staff, ensuring that they receive the praise and thanks that they deserve.
Praise is so important and provides the kind of positive experience or uplift that can increase someone’s self-confidence and self-esteem. TAP provides us with the opportunity for our staff to express their appreciation of each other, making you feel you are a valued member of the team and in turn creating a positive environment to work in. Every school should use TAP to support staff member’s mental health and wellbeing.
At Al Ain English Speaking School, we believe that the biggest asset we have for our children’s learning, is our teachers. In current times, our teachers, like teachers all over the world, are working longer and harder, and deserve every encouragement and ounce of praise as they ensure the continuity of learning for all. TAP is a great way to allow members of the school community to thank our staff in the school, helping to raise staff welfare and motivate them even further.
Prioritising the mental health and wellbeing of our Cranbrook Campus community is incredibly important, by doing so we ensure that our fantastic school continues to grow, flourish and thrive. TAP will enable us to celebrate and champion our incredibly hard-working teachers and staff offering parents and guardians the opportunity to offer praise and positive feedback to our hard-working team of dedicated professionals.
Wellbeing is a top priority for all at Chertsey High School. TAP is a fabulous addition to any school wellbeing programme and their thanking platform will provide a fabulous way for students’ parents and guardians to give praise and positive feedback to our outstanding staff team who work so hard.
I’m so excited for Elangeni to join TAP and for us to be able to share with all the staff the many thanks and appreciative comments that are received by individuals representing the school. This allows us all to recognise and appreciate one another’s efforts.
We’d love to use this forum to help bring together a wider sense of community and togetherness within our lovely school. To let the staff know how much their hard-work is appreciated, particularly at this time where so many of us are struggling with the challenges of day to day life. We all need a boost every now and then!
Sometimes in life, it’s the little things that often mean the most. TAP gives us the opportunity to demonstrate the power behind a recognition for an action, a kind word, a helping hand and a smile. I am excited to see how the introduction of TAP to our school can play a part in raising the Wellbeing of all involved, by both the giving and the receiving of the gift of thanks and appreciation.
Wellbeing is a top priority at St James. We have a fantastic and incredibly hard-working staff body who are dedicated to the children in our community. TAP is a brilliant platform which will provide a simple way for parents and carers to share their praise, positive feedback and thanks with our team
The wellbeing and positive mental health of our school community at All Saints Church of England Academy is a top priority. TAP is a great way to support this by giving parents and guardians the opportunity to share thanks and positive feedback with our hard-working staff team
Wellbeing is a top priority at Holyport College. TAP is a fantastic addition to any school wellbeing programme and their thanking platform will provide an innovative way for students’ parents and guardians to give positive feedback to our outstanding staff team.
A huge privilege to work alongside such talented, compassionate and hardworking professionals at St Peter’s. On a day-to-day basis they love, care for and educate young people to help them “live life to the full”. At St Peter’s we long to see all our young people learn, grow and develop. However, without flourishing adults, there will be few flourishing children. TAP’s thanking platform provides an innovative way for our students’ parents and carers to show their appreciation and help improve staff wellbeing.
As a Trust we have put in a number of wellbeing initiatives and believe that TAP could be a key tool that we can utilise for improving the wellbeing and morale of staff. Everyone likes to feel thanked and valued and TAP will allow us the opportunity to be able to do this in a meaningful way. We are really looking forward to utilizing TAP to be able to just a say a little thank you to the amazing staff that work across all of our Trust provisions
Our school motto is ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’ and an important part of living this message is that staff in our school feel valued and appreciated by the wider community that we serve. We are grateful that TAP provides us with an opportunity to spread positivity and share well-deserved praise to achieve a culture of kindness.
Wellbeing at Cranbury College is crucial to the development of staff and students. The environment we work in can be emotionally challenging and it is important that staff have the resilience and resources to support some of the most vulnerable children in our community. It’s not just about the incredible outcomes we help our students achieve, that make it worthwhile but the positive feedback we receive from them, their parents and guardians, that is the most rewarding. Our staff deserve to know how valued they truly are and that is why we are using TAP to make this happen.
Having recently joined the college, I can honestly say that my colleagues are doing an incredible job, especially during these challenging times. They are 100% committed to providing the best possible care and education for our students and TAP’s thanking platform provides a wonderful way for our students’ parents and carers to show their appreciation.
To receive an unexpected message of thanks from a parent really does generate a huge smile, and in this current world of negativity it shows that there is nothing better for your mental health than reading a kind word of thank or praise.
TAP gives families an opportunity to express their appreciation to teachers. So often teachers are at the frontline for parental complaints. It is important for them to realise these are outweighed by support for their efforts and commitment. Recruiting teachers is becoming increasingly more difficult. TAP provides a way of raising the profession’s profile and value in society. It motivates the team and supports a positive ethos. TAP is an effective and welcome addition to any school’s ethos and staff wellbeing programme.
We aim to provide a true home from home and we value the input from our families to enhance the children’s learning and development. TAP provides an ideal platform for our children’s families to give regular and positive feedback to our committed staff.
The positive mental health and wellbeing of our children, families and staff team are top priorities for our school. This means that they surround and underpin all of our other improvement priorities in school. I see TAP as a natural extension of this, in providing parents with an easy way to send private and positive messages of thanks to our team.
The Thank and Praise concept is a lovely way to support the staff and the college as a whole.
I want to make sure that my colleagues continue to be appreciated on an ongoing basis. As a headteacher, I’m excited by the opportunities TAP provides to support staff wellbeing and as a firm believer in the power of thanks, I know that it will create an environment of positivity.
At South Failsworth Primary School we believe that the biggest asset we have for our children’s learning is our staff team. In current times, our team, like school staff all over the world, are working longer and harder, and deserve every encouragement and ounce of praise as they ensure the continuity of learning for all. TAP is a great way to allow members of the school community to share messages of thanks and praise, helping to raise staff wellbeing and motivate them even further.
The Staff wellbeing is the heartbeat of a school and making them feel valued will only make them better educators.
Giving thanks is one of the most simple, yet powerful things someone can do. Our employees do an absolutely wonderful job supporting Children, Young People, and their Families across the country. Getting Children in School, ready to learn, is their priority and I want them to feel proud and valued for it. Using this TAP service will provide a platform for them to receive their very well deserved and meaningful thank-yous!